INTERVIEW WITH graffiti artist Herr Bias

   Hello Herr Von Bias! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. Please start by telling us something about yourself, what inspired you to become an artist? I didn't decide consciously on becoming an artist. Like nearly every kid in Berlin, I came in contact with graffiti in the mid 90's. Over the years my style has shaped and I've created my very own world of expression.

Q: What kind of art interested you at the time?
A: There is no kind of art I'm exclusively interested in. I emphasize on character design and illustration, but you can find good ideas everywhere, no matter fine art, urban art or tattoo art.

Q: Do you have any role models?
A: I cannot say this! I care more about the work than the person. This is because in my opinion the work doesn't fully represent the person.

Q: How would you describe your style?
A: My style is very detailed, an interplay of shape, color, light and shadow, leaning towards grotesqueness.

Q: Do you have any favorite medium?
A: There is no preferred medium. Depending on mood, weather and time I choose brushes, spray, cans or my wacom tablet.

Q: How long took you to learn the process?
A: Hard to say. My first efforts date back 17 years...and since then it has been a gradual process.

Q: Tell me about the creative process. Do you have a sketchbook?
A: There is no algorithm. Every time it happens in a different way. For some pieces, in the beginning I just got the shape straight and later the real idea evolved out of it. With other pieces, in the beginning there was an idea out of which compositions of shapes and colors evolved over time. I tried to use a sketchbook. Unfortunately, I always forget and don't leave it with me when I would like to draw something. At the end, my sketches are scattered over many chaotically arranged sheets of paper.





Q: Being a graffiti artist must be fun. Have you ever worked in a team?
A: I'm part of the Weird-Gang. Together with these guys several nice walls already arose. These year we go on tour through Europe.

Q: What role “tagging” plays in street art?
A: Tagging is an art of its own. Unfortunately, this part of urban art isn't respected at a level it deserves. Tags are marks of subversion and life in a city.

Q: Talking about the popular culture... Do you think graffiti is mainstream now?
A: Graffiti was already mainstream 17years ago, when I started. Of course, there are peak stages. But since graffiti is violating one of the basic rules in our Western civilization, namely property rights, it will never be accepted generally within society... and that's a good thing! ;)

Q: What are your feelings about the graffiti scene now?
A: At the moment there is a real explosion when it comes to graffiti styles, especially in character writing. I enjoy watching this and being part of it.




Q: Do you still have the enthusiasm?
A: It depends on my mood. There are times when I don't like to paint and sketch. But after some weeks my head is full of weird thoughts and I have to bring them on paper and walls.

Q: Any interesting stories with the clients you might want to share with us?
A: hehe...there are some funny stories I could tell you...vbut it's too private. ;)

Q: Digital art is your second passion. Do you work as a digital designer?
A: I'm a freelance illustrator and graffiti artist. So I did a lot of commissioned work. It would be nice to do only free stuff but at the end of the month you have to pay your bills.

Q: Have you ever thought to change something about your style?
A: I often try to do something new. The stuff I don't publish influence the style you can see. There is a continuous progress in my work.

Q: Art could be a great influence on someone's personality. What is the best lesson you learned from your journey?
A: To take time and always ask about the "why". A piece is never just stop working on it.

Q: Your advice for the new artists?
A: Do what you like and don't allow any interference. Stay nosey and keep on practicing...