Tattoo Scarring & Tattoo Infections

Tattoo Scarring is possible and it happens when the tattooed area is not treated properly. The healing aftercare treatment requires proper advice from a professional artist. Following your artist advices is the only way to stay away from scars.

Scars from burns, surgical procedures, accidents or other incidents may make you feel bad and frustrated. Some doctors claim that scars can be removed by laser treatments, surgeons...

Monitories the place, especially after the healing process (10-14 days after getting a tattoo). Identify the scar. Scarring under a tattoo can be tricky to spot sometimes because ink can distort the look of your skin.

Some people says that aloe is a good plant that can help in the process of scar removal. You can buy at discount stores with gardening departments. You shouldn't need a huge plant to minimize your scar, but be sure the one you choose has several thick, healthy leaves. You will have to alternate between several leaves because the aloe plant will need time to heal itself between tears.

Aloe, however, can minimize the look of a scare from a tattoo. Using aloe directly from a plant gives you the best results.

Tear off a small piece of the plant and squeeze the aloe directly on your tattoo. Rub the aloe into the scar and allow it to dry completely. Repeat the process several times a day until your tattoo is flatter and less scarred.

Remember: The healing process may take a several weeks. It won't happen over night, so be patient. If after enough time your scar isn't reduced to a acceptable level, consider visiting a doctor to talk about laser resurfacing options.
Ask him for an advice. His opinion is maybe the best choice.

Tattoos & Infections
It's well know that tattooing has evolved in terms of fashion, style, and self-expression. People are tattooing their bodies at a growing rate but there are still some risk factors that we should take care off. It is not necessary that every person, who gets a tattoo, has to suffer from infection, but the risk factor cannot be completely ignored as well.

What are the risks?
Some of the skin infections that can be caused, as a result of tattooing, are impetigo, cellulites, herpes simplex, tetanus, staph, fungal infections, transmission of syphilis, leprosy and viral warts.

Hepatitis B, a dangerous liver infection, and HIV/AIDS are two of many diseases that can be passed along through bodily fluids. This means you can catch these diseases if you get a tattoo from someone who uses a dirty needle.

Hepatitis C infection, a deadly blood disease that attacks liver function. The disease is typically transferred from one person to another when proper sterile procedures aren't followed. This can include reusing needles between clients, and reusing inks.

There is no known cure for hepatitis C, and the disease can be fatal unless it goes into remission. Even then, stress and other illnesses can trigger its renewed attack on the liver, leading to eventual death.

HIV-HIV infections can lead to full blown AIDS, a deadly disease for which there is currently no known cure. The virus is mainly passed through improperly sterilized tools, but can also be transferred if an infected artist accidentally prick his hand while working on a tat.

What to do?
Familiarize yourself with basic sterile procedures to be followed when creating tattoos.
Take a look around the shop to make sure they have an autoclave and that they are using it.

Sharps bin for used needles
Watch your artist to make sure he/she properly disinfects before donning plastic gloves and a surgical mask.
Insist your artist uses a brand new needle rather than one that has been run through an autoclave. Although a properly operated autoclave forces sterilizing steam through very tiny spaces, there's still a chance that a pocket of infection could survive in the hollow. Follow all aftercare instructions to the letter.

How to recognize an infection or improper work:
The most common symptoms of the skin infections caused, due to tattooing, are inflammation on and around the tattooed part of the body. Usually, the skin near the area becomes tender to touch. There may even be a swelling or discharge of blood from the spot. It is not common that after undergoing the process of tattooing, a person falls sick. Continuous pain even after 48 hours, can lead to skin infection.


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